Integrates your dispersed workforce
Field data is easily collected via smart devices and rapidly integrated with existing systems (ERP, GIS, etc.) to create a timely, visible, structured, and searchable data flow.

Compliance achieved by insuring data and reports are traceable, verifiable, and complete.
Prioritization of resources and activity to ensure appropriate management of risk.
Verification of risk, follow-up actions, and closure associated with all field issues.

Data fields are structured and searchable to eliminate errors and enable trending and analysis. Associated pictures and other inputs with specific report findings. Keep all relevant information together for a task or finding.

Integration of data with existing Enterprise Systems speeds flow of information to enhance visibility.
Align priorities for corrective actions based on field findings.
Visibility to field issues and activities that is timely and actionable.

User interface is simplified and optimized for mobile devices.
Capture of administrative information is automated.
- Location, date, time, duration, and personnel are certified.
Training is minimized with user friendly input of data and response guided workflow.

Financial Performance is improved through field workforce efficiency gains and simplification of compliance audit/verification.
Dramatically reduce cycle time and monitor from finding to closure.
Significantly reduce errors and omissions with structured field workflows.

2280 Lincoln Ave

San Jose, CA 95125

Our Purpose

To securely and seamlessly integrate dispersed workforces
with existing enterprise systems by applying the latest
developments in mobile technology.